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APC RBC2 (compatible)
from 21,90 EUR
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APC RBC48 (compatible)
from 43,80 EUR
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APC RBC6 (compatible)
from 72,00 EUR
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Yuasa NP0.8-12: 12 V, 0.8 Ah with JST-plug
from 16,90 EUR
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APC RBC7 (compatible)
from 109,80 EUR
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Skil 120BAT | 2610998229
Skil 120BAT | 2610998229
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Main Page » Lead acid batteries

Lead Acid


Maintenance free sealed lead- acid battteries are used in emergency power supplies, safety equipment (smoke dedector, lift), controls, medical equipment, handlamps...
The cyclic type of lead acid batteries is used in mobile equipment, like golfcaddys

More sub catagories:

Fiamm Lead Acid

Maintenance free AGM sealed lead acid batteries


Exide Dryfit Lead Acid

Exide Sonnenschein batteries with the superior dryfit Gel technology


Sonderformen Bleiakku

Special constructed maintenance free AGM sealed lead acid batteries from Yuasa, SSB, Multipower, Fiamm


UPS Batteries

Maintenance free AGM sealed leadacid batteries for uninterruptable power supplies


Robomow batteries

Batteries for Robomow mowers Robomow RM series, Robomow RL-55x series, Robomow RL-85x series, Robomow RL-1000 series, Robomow RL-2000 series,  Robomow RC-series, Robomow MC-series, Robomow TC-series